It must be the sunny weather, but something has happened to people today. Walking to school H fell head over heels for a little two year old girl, tottering along holding her farther`s hand. And last night I spend two and a half hours watching a six year old child on TV because she was just too cute to turn off!

There is a very old cartoon called
Chibi-maruko-chan which is one of Japan`s longest running TV cartoons. It is about a little girl called Maruko and it is everyday stories about her life told through her eyes. Recently Fuji TV made a
version using real life actors and the lead is just the most adorable little thing. It is high tension drama, but on a six year old level, so it covers life-or-death events like her big sister getting a new coat for the school picnic, but she had to wear her sister`s cast offs, or getting a chain letter, or her father not having time to help her fix her bike. For anyone that is in Japan, I recommend it as a good Tuesday night in.