Saturday, April 01, 2006

Another food related post

Have started to notice the lack of content matter on my blog that doesn't involve food or weather, but hey, here comes another culinary based entry.

On Saturday both H and I had to go to Morioka for annoying little small things, so we agreed to make it seem less wasteful we would go out for dinner. We had both had parties the night before, but in our slightly hung over state we still managed to make it to the city and park.

After we got the necessities out the way we had a brief wander round the red light district looking for a nice restaurant, got side tracked by a shoe shop and Starbucks, and eventually made our way to a new restaurant just off the main street.

Slightly reminiscent of Friday night, it was a bit gloomy which had the effect of making us instantaneously sleepy, but it was a nice atmosphere and the food was lush. I was particularly excited about the toilet door signs which were made of paper and had nice little cute ladies in kimonos and samurai clad boys. We almost had a disaster when Hazel began drinking a vodka ramune when she should have been driving home. They are very strict about drink driving, so even one would have been really bad if she had been stopped. Also these ramune were very lively. This is a drink that is capped with a marble and then you use a little piece of plastic to bang the marble into the drink. It is very fun, but in this case very messy!!


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