Saturday, March 25, 2006

Snoopy and fried cheese

Take one girl with a hang over, one who hasn't slept in a bed for two nights, and another who has been out two nights in a row, and what do you get...a wonderful, fun Saturday of course!

In my usual way of making Jo do arty things she would normally never do in a million years, I made her and Hazel get up stupidly early to come and make stained glass with me. We arrived bright and early in Morioka ready to make a masterpiece of Tiffany excellence.

Here is a picture of what we made...

Ha, as if! Actually, we made this...

It is a night light and it took me 3 hours to make, so please stop laughing now.

Actually, we didn't even really make them at all, as all the pieces were already cut for us and we just soldered it all together, but even that was quite challenging at 10am. More importantly we ate take-away ramen while we were there and it was very nice. We also got a free CD that the
shop owner had made and I bagged myself an English conversation class for when I have nothing to do when I have a weekday day off instead of Saturday starting August.

After our artistic desires had been fulfilled, we headed into town. Jo legged it and went and got her hair cut and Hazel and I did shopping, print club and all the little things that needed done. I can also check one thing off my "things to do before I leave Japan" list because we went and ate big cake in Kawatoku. It was as good as I had always imagined it to be. The tea was smooth and creamy and the cakes were giant!! It was worth waiting for and pretty much worth the 6 quid each we paid even when sharing a slice.

After we met Jo, of course we had to do print club again, cause it just ain't fair going without her. So we did that to kill time before we headed to Watami for fried cheese, pizza and NO CRABS!!! I also got to meet the replacement Jo for next year when she runs off to Prague and leaves us. I have managed to not meet Mel many times and sadly I think after getting up early and still suffering a slight hangover I was not at my best, but hopefully we can meet up again soon and I can be more perky. She seems very nice and will live quite close next year.


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