Thursday, March 30, 2006

Average day, average post

Well, I have nothing in particular to write about, but I felt rather ashamed about my moany post yesterday, so I just wanted to write something new, now I don't have it in for the entire 120million people in this country.

Today I have spent all day making my English Room (ER) at school. I met my English-loving first year student (also known as MNFBs - my new best friend student). We ate lunch together and then set about decking out the room with maps, union jacks and postcards. It now looks very pretty and our lovely blackboard art really adds to it. The idea is that students will come and eat lunch in there with me and be duped into speaking English without realising they are learning. A cunning plan indeed. At some point I shall take some photos of it for you all to see.

I decided that the reason for my grumpiness yesterday may not have purely been down to sleep deprivation. When all the teachers left to go to other schools, I got so much good bye chocolate that my system was running on pure sugar, but then the supply stopped and I think I may have been in some sort of crash. Still, I am sure you are all relieved to know I am much happier today and haven't been annoyed once!


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