Monday, May 22, 2006

Peer pressure

Yesterday I went to see the Da Vinci Code. I was sitting watching the opening credits and I suddenly wondered why I was there. I had read the book and thought it was quite interesting, yes, but I had no real desire to see the film, yet there I was 10 quid worse off, in a hot little room, sitting next to some Japanese guy who appeared to believe he was Marley and who had already fallen asleep and was gradually tipping towards my shoulder.

The thing that made me realise that maybe I had no real interest in the film was the fact that the first time I found out that it starred Tom Hanks was when his name appeared on the screen. There are many actors I like less than Mr Hanks, but let`s say he is not in my top 10 of people I want to spend my Sunday watching, yet I had ended up doing just that.

Actually, he wasn`t nearly as annoying as his hair cut suggested he might be and the film was generally ok. I guess if you take a reasonable story it is hard to make a total mess of it. I must admit to being a little bored in the middle, but came out generally pleased that I had gone. However, the highlight may well have been the trailer for the new Pirates film. It is out here in July and I can tell you now, that date can`t come fast enough!! Moving house, changing jobs - quite big events that are happening in July, but watching Mr J Depp for a couple of hours has to top them both!!


Blogger Messed Up said...

i to cant Waite for the new pirates to come out.

1:27 am  

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