Friday, May 19, 2006

Jolly day out

Today was the school class trips. This year I was with 2-3 class. We had a very educational day going on a boat trip and visiting a shopping centre in Hachinohe. We came close to going to the prefectural museum, which I would have quite liked, but no. All the same, it was a nice day out and the weather stayed nice. Plus, I got to do print club when we went to the mall, and we know that always makes me happy!!

The beach was really nice, but there were a scary amount of seagulls around. Hence the whole place had nasty white stains all over it and I spent more time worrying about getting pooped on that enjoying the scenery. There was a very cool temple stuck up on top of a rock just out to sea. I didn't get time to go up there, but even from a distance it looked...well, like a temple on a rock.

Some of the boys decided to try to feed the gulls by holding the crisps in their mouths. It was impressive when they actually managed to get them to take them, but much more entertaining was that they spent most of the ride with the three of them hanging off the back of the boat with their necks stuck out and crisps hanging out of their mouths.

There are a few more pictures on my Japanese blog.


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