Friday, May 26, 2006

Musical massacre

I have just had to sit through some very bad, bad noise. I group of professional musicians came to give a recital to the students. To be fair, the first half was very good. They had a nice piano-flute combo doing Mozart mostly and it was sending me into a nice Friday afternoon daze.


then the flutist decided to do some improv new-jazz thing that involved blowing into the wrong end of the flute and making low gurgling noises with her mouth. Very strange. Then we had to sit through a whole hour of a percussion section. I have nothing against percussion as such. I agree they are needed in most music, I just don't think they should be out there on their own. Whenever someone plays music with a xylophone in it, it just becomes a 70`s throw back hour and I feel like I am in a lift listening to piped music whilst wearing brown flared cords.

The worst part however may have been the speech by the person who was leading it. She was a graduate student from a long time ago. Highlights of her speech included "I never wanted to go to Numakunai, but I failed all my exams" and "I bet all your lessons are quite dull". It is sad because the students weren't listening and didn't care, but she obviously offended the teachers. Not a way to get invited back I feel.

I wont even go into the failure of trying to get students to go "aaaah, un" for Mambo #5!!


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