Thursday, December 08, 2005

Really rather chilly

It is only 8.45am, but I have had quite an interesting morning. I had slight trouble getting out of bed due to the scary temperature difference between under and outside my duvet. This had a knock-on effect thus creating a slight rush later, hence had to leave the house with slightly damp hair, as no time to finish blow-drying. I arrived at school 20 minutes later and went to the coatroom to brush my hair and try to make scary wind-blown haystack into a style acceptable for entering a classroom. Had some difficultly in doing this. At first thought the wind had created a very bad knot, as my brush would just not go through. So I looked in the mirror to find out how bad the damage was and, rather than the expected tangle, found to my surprise an icicle. My hair had actually frozen on the walk to school. So I went to my desk and waited to thaw. It is now looking very shiny and straight, so may write to Pantene and suggest freezing as a revolutionary new hair care procedure.


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