Friday, June 16, 2006

Roped in

Has been a little late in the coming, but at last here are some photos from Sunday`s cricket. It has been one of those weeks where I have had nothing to do and so have achieved less than nothing. I think when you are busy, if you have a free half hour, you do something with it, but when you have a whole day, nay, a whole week of nothingness, you just put stuff off and suddenly it is Friday and the total achievement has been reading the internet and finishing a novel. Anyway, back to the cricket...

H, J and I had great plans to sit at the side and eat cucumber sandwiches and drink Pimms on a tartan blanket and watch M running around. Well, none of us had any time, so there were no sandwiches, you can`t buy Pimms in Japan and we don`t own a tartan blanket, so generally thinks weren't going to plan. Then, somehow H and I ended up on the pitch!! Guess the after-bbq made up for it ;)
Ryan and Mike
well, that`s the ozzies for yousome superb fielding by Birchall


Blogger Ma&Pa said...

Super action shot - most impressive - shame there seems to be no ball, or has it gone by some time ago?

And surely that is an exact Martin Kirk copy in the background.

11:36 pm  

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