Sunday, July 31, 2005

Today was a bad, bad food day. We woke up a little worse for wear, so then ate a very large bread based breakfast, including maple syrup toast (courtesy of Freddy), scones, toffee cookies, cream cheese cracker things, donuts and milk bread. Not really your balanced and nutritious diet. so then, having started badly, we thought more bread based snacks and creamy drinks were the order of the day at cafe38. We did have to run for the train though, so I am sure it must have all balanced out. not sure how we went from having all the time in the world to legging it to the station.
After coffee, Jo and Anna went for a hair cut that lasted longer than test cricket. Jo`s friend gave her a voucher for the hair dressers worth 6000yen, and as a haircut is only 4000yen, that is pretty good. But yes, waiting for an hour for them to even start cutting is not. Meanwhile, Tosh, Freddy, Tatty and I went to eat pizza and pancakes (spelt crape on the menu - he he). Then we did more print club and headed home. Ate ramen for tea. Not good. And on the way home we got attacked by a weird kid trying to give us lots of leaflets about trains and festivals, so Jo and I decided to ring each other so we were obviously too busy to talk to each other, and Tosh tried desperately to pretend he didn`t know us.


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