Monday, October 31, 2005

School Festival

This weekend was the school festival. As usual, the third years set up stalls selling food in the classroom. The other students did various activities, such as the music festival and sport. I helped out with the English speech contest. It was really hard because they were all so good and I had to choose three winners out of 21 entries. Impossible!

I also went to the tea ceremony club and I watched a presentation by a girl who had just been on an exchange trip to America. On the morning we had a speech by an amazing man by the name of Omomi Murata. He was born with some sort of disease which meant his growth was quite stunted and he had to use crutches. He was never predicted to live beyond 18 and told he shouldn't go to school, but he overcame all the odds to go on to study at an American school and later set up his own charity helping orphans in the Philippines. He talked all about his life, and although I could only understand about half of it, he was a captivating speaker.


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